Wednesday, February 27, 2008

White Noise

The constant barrage of sensationalist news stories that the media keeps manufacturing may ring of some truth, with the decline in prices and drastically increasing foreclosure rates. Yet, they are so excessive and repetitive that they have become white noise. The few and far between optimistic and thoughtful articles, that give us more than just scare tactics and thrill seeking headlines, seem to be much more beneficial. Instead of crying wolf, of the "impending" doom, some experts suggest taking advantage of the opportunities that are sitting right in front of us. I choose to sit on the side of optimism and action, especially when an opportunity presents itself. The following article candidly discusses doing just that. And just as a tool, this website helps you search for specifically Foreclosure properties (and more) although we recommend not necessarily restricting your search for a home or investment by these parameters.

Is This the Time to Buy or Stay Safely on the Sideline?
(click the title to view the full article)
Right now, there are several compelling reasons for anyone who needs a house or wants to upgrade his or her family's current living arrangements to venture forth.

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