Friday, February 29, 2008

Articles for Thought

Here are a few articles of interest. The first one discusses ways to ensure your insurance will cover you in case of a disaster. Then we dive into the world of loans and securities, and how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will soon roam free as their limits may be lifted off. Finally, a discussion with President Bush, and why he won't support a bill that was supposedly geared at helping homeowners in foreclosure. Lets take a look shall we.

Insuring Your Home Against Disaster (click the title to view the full article)
If the worst happens, you can't be sure you'll collect enough to bring back the home you love. Here's what to do.

Federal Regulators to Ease Rules on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (click the title to view the full article)
Federal regulators for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the biggest buyers of American home mortgages, will remove limits on the amount of loans and securities the companies can own, a step that could help bolster the weakening housing market.

Housing bill will 'bail out lenders' - Bush (click the title to view the full article)
President reiterates his objection to a proposed change to help homeowners in bankruptcy and the creation of a $4 billion fund to let agencies buy foreclosed homes.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

White Noise

The constant barrage of sensationalist news stories that the media keeps manufacturing may ring of some truth, with the decline in prices and drastically increasing foreclosure rates. Yet, they are so excessive and repetitive that they have become white noise. The few and far between optimistic and thoughtful articles, that give us more than just scare tactics and thrill seeking headlines, seem to be much more beneficial. Instead of crying wolf, of the "impending" doom, some experts suggest taking advantage of the opportunities that are sitting right in front of us. I choose to sit on the side of optimism and action, especially when an opportunity presents itself. The following article candidly discusses doing just that. And just as a tool, this website helps you search for specifically Foreclosure properties (and more) although we recommend not necessarily restricting your search for a home or investment by these parameters.

Is This the Time to Buy or Stay Safely on the Sideline?
(click the title to view the full article)
Right now, there are several compelling reasons for anyone who needs a house or wants to upgrade his or her family's current living arrangements to venture forth.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hello, My Name is Oscar

If you missed the oscars, here's a List of the Winners. Welcome back writers.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Much Ado About Buying

As I was sifting through the articles and news blurbs on real estate and the market, I came across a lovely little outline of "things to know" when purchasing a home. Considering the market conditions in favor of buyers, and the opportunities to invest your money in some great properties, I pass this informative section along to you. We also have a number of articles and sections on Buying a home, on our website.

Buying A Home: Things to Know (and more)
(click the title to view the full article)

1. Don't buy if you can't stay put.
2. Start by shoring up your credit.
3. Aim for a home you can really afford.
4. Don't worry if you can't put down the usual 20 percent.
5. Buy in a district with good schools.
6. Get professional help.
7. Choose carefully between points and rate.
8. Before house hunting, get pre-approved.
9. Do your homework before bidding.
10. Hire a home inspector.