Friday, June 13, 2008


What? Where? How much? Any headline with this word automatically draws attention. So, the news keeps pumping it out. Articles and articles about foreclosures, what they are, how to avoid them, where to buy them, and so on, and so forth. 'Bargains', 'deals', 'discounts', are some other stop words, that get readers to do just that, stop. So amidst all this foreclosure frenzy, I thought I would take a moment to say, stop. Step back. Analyze, and take each news clipping and sound bite with a grain of salt, because although it's happening, there's more to the market than just those few and tired words

US foreclosure filings surge 48 percent in May (AP) [I figured it would only be appropriate to top the list with a foreclosure headline]
Wachovia shares fall to lowest since 1992 (Reuters)
Property-flipping rule suspended (
6 real estate bargains (Fortune)

Wall Street ends turbulent week with sharp gains (AP)
Dow +1.37% ][ Nasdaq +2.09% ][ S&P 500 = +1.5% ][ 10YrBond +1.33%

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