Thursday, June 5, 2008

This Game is Fixed

The markets resurged today after some good sales and employment news, despite the increasing cost of oil and the gradual weakening of the US dollar. All in all, we'll call it a good day, it's nice to have those every once in a while (Stocks rise following jobs report, retailer data, AP).

Market Run Down
Dow +1.73% ][ Nasdaq +1.87% ][ S&P 500 = +1.95% ][ 10YrBond +2.16%

Speaking of games, lenders have a tendency of not disclosing their intentions. Although it is in their best interest to avoid foreclosures, it is still nice to see that they are willing to work things out with defaulting borrows every so often. The idea is to work out payment plans, or rework loans, so that people who could not previously afford their mortgages, can begin the process of bringing their loans back up to speed. The lender gets money, the borrow gets to keep the house, and neighborhood value don't get affected. I'd say that's a good day's work. Two good days, in one post, there is good news out there after all (The trick to getting a mortgage fixed,

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