Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If Only I Had Bought that Place I Wanted at that Great Price and Rate, Instead of Waiting for the Market to Drop 10%

A little tongue-in-cheek, but as harmless as a bad joke may be, nobody wants to be on the other end looking back, regretting any missed opportunities. It's just nice to have a little supportive press that reaffirms what I have said before, think twice, and look into buying property now. Rates creeped up again today, so beware, before you know it we are going to be on the other end looking back. After a nice ending today in the financial markets, hopefully people will feel invigorated and start investing at this opportune time. The following article discusses buying real estate and stocks in the current market conditions, and the article also charts a comparison of buying property now or waiting a year for the market to drop 10% (click the image to see the chart). I believe it deserves substantial consideration:

Ignore the Headlines

...let's say you are emotionally ready to be a homeowner. You have good credit, plan to stay put for five years and have been waiting for the perfect entry point. It's time to get serious--before an inevitable rise in interest rates wipes out your advantage. "The thing that will make home prices stop falling is the very same thing that will push mortgage rates higher," says Jim Svinth, chief economist at mortgage firm Lending Tree. So anything you gain by a further drop in prices might be offset by rising financing costs.
[click the image to see the TIME Article and Chart]

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