Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day of Relaxation

Evidently our Commander in Chief needs an extra day of rest because of all the stress he's built up during the last year or so dealing with the sub-prime crisis. While he kicks up his feet and plays some video games, we will continue to persevere in this financially volatile market. As I had mentioned, the market is picking up a little steam around here, although many people are trying to time their purchases to coincide with the increase in the conforming loan limit. We've had ourselves some multiple offer situations, and needless to say, buyers are willing and ready when they find what they want.

Take note, rates are creeping up slightly. Yet, they are still fantastic and continue to incentivize buyers. Here is an article that was written on Valentine's day, Roses & Rates, what more could anyone ask for: Rates on 30-Year Mortgages Rise

Unfortunately, foreclosures are rampant, and people are even walking away from their properties. This may be the right decision in some instances, but if you can't make your payments, there are many options and solutions that you may not be aware of. Make sure you do some research and talk to us, we can provide all that information for you, and help you make the most financially sound decision. We have had experience with properties in all stages of the Foreclosure process, and it can be quite a difficult and drawn out one. To those buying properties from auctions, banks or sellers in foreclosure, be careful. You have to do your due diligence, and make sure there aren't any unexpected liens or other surprises on the property.

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